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Le Petit Prince

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Der kleine Prinz
French - German
? Bernard Giraudeau
$19.90   Lifetime access in a single payment

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Learn 2794 vocabulary words with « Le Petit Prince »!

« Le Petit Prince » has 14895 words which have been grouped into 6133 bilingual expressions of which 4450 are repeated at least once. While enjoying a video and through repetition, you learn the desired vocabulary.


In the same collection

Le Petit Prince(French-German)
La Chèvre de Monsieur Seguin(French-German)
Le Laboureur et ses Enfants(French-German)
Le Lion et le Rat(French-German)
Le Corbeau et le Renard(French-German)
La Cigale et la Fourmi(French-German)
Le Loup et l'Agneau(French-German)
Le Petit Poisson et le Pêcheur(French-German)
Le Lièvre et la Tortue(French-German)
Va, donne et gagne!(French-German)


